Saturday, January 26, 2008

But the Feminist in me is conflicted.

From Time's Swampland this morning:

My husband and I just got back from voting at our polling place in Spartanburg, SC at 10:30am. There were about 10 people in line (seven African-American, three white). The polling ladies said that things had been steady all morning. I intended to vote for Obama this morning and my husband for Hillary. But on the way to the polling place, my five year old daughter asked who we were voting for. I said, "Mommy is voting for a nice man named Barak Obama and Daddy is voting for a nice woman named Hillary Clinton." She replied, "But I thought only men were presidents." Out of the mouths of babes. So I took her in with me and let her push the button on the electronic screen for Hillary. (My husband ended up switching and voting for Obama at the last minute so it all evened out.)