Thursday, January 4, 2007

A Historic Day!

Today, the United States House of Representatives elected the very first female Speaker of the House. I get chills every time I say that!

I also got chills when I read this article today. Since it's long, I'm only going to post my favorite lines.

Six times a grandmother, now second in line to the presidency (emphasis added), Pelosi said her ascension to become the first female House speaker in history was the culmination of 200 years of struggle for women as well as a personal victory.
"By electing me as speaker you have brought us closer to the ideal of equality that is America's heritage and America's hope," Pelosi said. "This is an historic moment — for the Congress, and for the women of America. It is a moment for which we have waited more than 200 years. Never losing faith, we waited through the many years of struggle to achieve our rights."

"For our daughters and granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling," she said. "For our daughters and our granddaughters now, the sky is the limit." (emphasis added)
"We look forward to the rest of the country appreciating the real San Francisco values, of diversity and a city of dreamers," said San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. "You can only exploit the gay community so much. ... They're going to see there's so much more to San Francisco."
Whether you agree with the Democratic agenda or not, you have to admit, it's a great day for America. Thank you, Madam Speaker.